Coburg Community Charter School is a public charter school open to any student regardless of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, social or economic status and/or special needs. Each year Coburg Community Charter School has 25 openings for Kindergarten students and a limited number of openings for other new students. Open Enrollment, for the following school year, takes place every spring. At the conclusion of the Open Enrollment period, CCCS will hold an equitable lottery where names are randomly drawn, and students are either offered enrollment (if space allows) or placed in order on a waiting list. Enrollment applications that are received after the Open Enrollment period and lottery have ended, are placed on the appropriate waiting list in the order received, regardless of priority status. Classes have approximately 25 students at maximum.


2025-26 Re-Enrollment Process
To ensure placement in a class for returning students, please carefully read and follow the directions below. CCCS has a 25 student cap for each grade level and relies on the information provided in the individual enrollment forms to plan for the following school year. Failure to complete and submit forms as requested below may result in loss of placement in a class. If you have any questions, please contact the office. We are happy to help!
Returning Students:
Re-enrollment forms for the 25-26 school year will be available by Friday, January 12th. Re-Enrollment forms for current students will be available at the 2025-26 Re-Enrollment Form. Re-enrollment forms are required for all returning students and must be submitted by 3:30 p.m., February 5, 2025 to ensure placement in a class for the 25-26 school year.
2025-26 Sibling and new Student Application Process
Siblings of Current Students and Potential New Students Planning to Enroll in 2025-26. Siblings who are not currently enrolled but will apply to attend in the 2025/26 school year (as openings become available) must complete the Enrollment Application for Lottery/Waitlist. Forms received post lottery will be added to the waitlist. Applications for the 2025-26 school year Lottery/Waitlist will be available through the Application Link above on January 26th. Applications must be submitted via our online form by 3:30 p.m., February 24, 2025.
Boundary Information
The former Coburg Elementary School boundary is defined as follows: the Springfield School District to the east, Harrisburg School District to the north and west, and the McKenzie River to the south and west.
Priority Grouping Information
Priority groups exist for siblings, qualification for free/reduced lunch, and residency.
Applicants who misidentify a priority grouping will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist. Please call the office for confirmation or help with priority grouping questions.
Kindergarten Early Admission
Incoming kindergarten students are required turn 5 before September 1st. However, 4J facilitates a process for early admission for students who turn between September 1st and 30th. Parents wanting early entry for their children whose birthday falls after September 1st must contact the 4J School District for Early Admission. It is the parent’s responsibility to complete the testing and get the test results to us before the student can enroll and start their Kindergarten year.
Families may participate in the annual lottery in anticipation of participating in this early admission process, their slot will be assigned/saved, and is dependent on a successful assessment report from 4J.
Application Calendar for 2025-26
January 17: Re-enrollment Form opens
January 29: New Student Lottery Applications open
February 5: Re-enrollment Forms due by 3:30
February 11: CCCS Information Night, 5-6 pm
February 24: New Student Lottery Applications due by 3:30 pm
February 25 or 26: Randomized Lottery run
February 27 & 28: Families receiving spots are notified by phone and email
March 7: New Student Registration Forms due by 3:30
2024-25 Waitlist Process
Currently, classes are full at each grade level with a waitlist at each. Applications for classes that are full may be submitted at this time will be placed on a waiting list. If an opening becomes available, families will be notified in the order in which their application is placed on the list.
This waitlist resets upon implementation of the Randomized Lottery on Feb. 25/26.
Students offered positions for the current year from the renewed waitlist will not lose their waitlist position if they decline to transfer this year, but will not be guaranteed a spot for the next year.
Contact our school office to obtain an application for the current school year.
Additional Information
To Request More Information:
Supply fees: $150.00 per student
Volunteer hours: 20 volunteer hours per family