.Hello from the Executive Director.
Hello Bronco Families!
A little madness…. Yep, we are experiencing that here at school, but not the kind fit for a king! We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the staff and all of the volunteers who are stepping up to fill in for everyone who has been out over the last couple of weeks with various illnesses. It seems like every classroom has been affected by some form of spring fever - the kind that forces you to stay in bed for several days. Hopefully, next week will bring better weather and better health! Thank you, students, for your flexibility and the respect you are showing to the various faces popping in and out to cover classes during these days of staffing shortages. We do work well together under pressure….not that we need any more at this point. Yikes!
Speaking of spring fever, the other kind seems to be in the air. With the end of the school year in sight, the energy level in the building and in some classrooms is amping up. Staff members are noticing increases in social struggles, attention seeking behaviors, and general misbehaviors. I was asked to share this information with a request that families talk with your children about hanging in there and finishing the year strong. We appreciate the teamwork of CCCS families working with our staff to maintain a friendly, calm, engaging learning environment for all of our students (...and at this time of year our staff, too).
Students started the annual testing process in several classes. Teachers report that they are working hard and taking it seriously. It is very helpful if students are well rested and eat a healthy breakfast every morning especially during testing time since many students feel stressed about the process.
Have a wonderful afternoon!
Warm regards,
.General Information.
April 27-29 Coyote Outdoor School
Friday, April 29- Garden Party at 12:15 WEATHER DEPENDENT!!
Friday, April 29- The clothing closet will be open from 12:15 to 1:15 during the Garden Party.
Good of the Order:
Thank you to Red Wood Northwest for donating parts to fix our two damaged picnic tables.
2021-22 school year memories are yours to keep if you order a CCCS yearbook. You can order online at ybpay.com with yearbook code 14666122. Order your yearbook today!
Arts and Starts:
Join us in the school garden for our Arts and Starts sale on Thursday, May 5th from 2:00-3:30. We will have flower/vegetable starts and garden art for sale, beautiful classroom pots available to the highest bidder, and we will once again sell raffle tickets for a set of hand glazed garden gnomes. All proceeds will go towards the garden fund so that we can continue to expand our Ag program here at CCCS.
Lost and Found:
Please be sure to check the Lost and Found at the front of the school if your student is missing anything.
Books to a good home: The red cart at the front of the school is full of books we are giving away. Please feel free to go through them.
Library Books: Students have been checking books from the library, please check in with your student to return books on time.
.PCS Corner.
Hello from PCS (People for Coburg School), the school's parent group. Three things to know or help with this week….
Teacher/Staff Appreciation: Notes & Pictures Needed This Friday. Teacher/Staff Appreciation week is May 2-6 and we would love to get handwritten notes or drawings from the children (from parents too) to their teachers and staff to celebrate how wonderful they are. Please drop off in the black box by the front door by Friday April 29th. Thank you!
Bronco Bash: LAST CHANCE - NEARLY SOLD OUT! We have a few more tickets to the Bronco Bash dinner & auction on May 14th. If you missed Monday’s deadline, please turn in your RSVP card by the end of Thursday (into the black box in front of the school). Tickets include dinner, dessert (no bidding for your cheesecake), dancing, and a chance to raise funds and catch up with friends.
Bronco Bash: Get Ready to Bid… To start planning what you might bid on, here are some of the auction items this year:
A set of braces from Chvatal Orthodontics (for a free consultation before the auction, please contact the office www.eugenebraces.com);
A pizza each month for an entire year from Coburg Pizza Company;
4 tickets to the UO vs. U-Dub game on 11/12
Private Party at PublicHouse
Vacations in Sonoma County, Sunriver, and Sisters!
$1,000 in Radio Ads (5 different Cumulus station options)
Rafting trip with Dusty Smith
Waived membership + one summer month free at Eugene Swim & Tennis Club
A diamond necklace from Skeie’s + Jamie Joseph ring from New Twist
$500 to spend at Brenner’s Furniture
12 yards of gravel from Coburg Road Quarry, delivered by DMS Trucking
…and dozens more items from throwing the first pitch at the Em’s game to golf, housewares to health & beauty baskets, outings at the vineyard to the Pro Rodeo, morning java to dinners out, plenty of activities to keep the kids busy this summer, a gorgeous homemade chest, flowers, tattoos, tools…and don’t forget the beloved class plates!
Many thanks to our financial sponsors: Jon Derby/Edward Jones, Kristi Blain/Triple Oaks Realty, Chvatal Orthodontics, Johnson Brothers, Slocum, Wildish Sand & Gravel, Blue Valley Bistro, Chiefs Brew House, Alison Cramer/Icon Real Estate Group, Grace Manor, Guaranty, Shannon Hay/Icon Real Estate Group, Hayward Inn, Johnsen Electric, Rosboro, Coburg Pizza Company, Central Print, and ES&A Sign and Awning Co.
Join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/coburgpcs. Other questions or comments? E-mail PCS@coburgcharter.org. Thank you!
.Community Corner.

The Spring Garden Party is Weather Dependent!!!
Walk + Roll to school:
We encourage you to walk or roll to school each day the first week of May! You can park at the church (please see instructions below) or the park in Coburg and walk, carpool with a friend, ride your bike, etc. Each day your student participates, they'll get a raffle ticket to enter into a drawing at the end of the week!
(Parking info: 1. Use the blacktop parking at the East entrance off W Van Duyn (not gravel) 2. Please use sidewalk rather than walking through lot 3. Exit through same entrance (not West or through private driveway)
Volunteers Needed:
We’re looking for a few extra hands on deck for Monday, May 23. This person(s) would help with morning recess (9:30-10:00am) and lunch duty (11:45-1:15pm.) You must be a cleared volunteer to help.
If you’re available to help please email community@coburgcharter.org
Thank you, Thank you!
-Thank you to our volunteers of the past week! Huge shout out to Brenda W, Ashley L, Stacey A, Sheila G, Kelsey B, Liz S, Rose E, Andrea M, Jenny B, Elaine C, Amanda S, Stacy H, Mary M, Marilee W, McKenzie B, Shannon H, Kalee P, Melissa M, Heather T, and Jen F! We appreciate you! It's not too late to get cleared to volunteer in your child's classroom this year! Email community@coburgcharter.org to start the process!
Thank you to our April Sponsor!
