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CCCS Committees

First Aid box on pink BG

Safety Committee


Our School Safety Committee represents the safety and health concerns of the CCCS employees and students. The Safety Committee welcomes members of the school faculty and Coburg Community to join in our monthly meetings. The duties of the Safety Committee include:

  • Establishing procedures for minimum quarterly workplace safety inspections of a safety committee inspection team to locate and identify safety and health hazards.  The safety inspection team shall include employer and employee representatives.  The team shall document the location and identity of the hazards and make recommendations as to how and when the hazards will be corrected;


  •  Establishing procedures for investigating all significant safety-related incidents including injury accidents, illnesses and deaths for the purpose of recommending corrective action necessary to prevent similar events from recurring;


  • Evaluating public charter school policies which may affect safety and health in the workplace and making recommendations for changes to existing policies or adoption of new policies;


  • Evaluating all the accident and illness prevention programs brought to the committee’s attention and making recommendations necessary to make the programs more applicable to the workplace;


  • Establishing a system whereby the safety committee can obtain information that would help in creating a hazard-free work environment, directly from all persons involved in the operations of the workplace.  The information obtained shall be reviewed at the next safety committee meeting;


  • Establishing procedures for the review of all safety and health inspection reports made by the committee and making necessary recommendations;


  • Establishing procedures for the review of corrective action taken on the committee’s recommendations or determining the reasons why no corrective action was taken;


  • Making all reports, evaluations and recommendations of the safety committee a part of the minutes of the safety committee;


  • Evaluating employee/supervisor training needs.

Wellness Committee


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Urban Biking
Urban Biking

Wellness Committee


The CCCS Wellness Committee was formed to help ensure the health and well-being of each student attending CCCS, and to provide guidance to school personnel in the areas of nutrition, health, physical activity, and food service. This committee encourages teachers, administrators, and food service employees to recognize food as an integral part of the educational program of the school and to work to implement the goals of this policy.

The CCCS Wellness Committee develops, implements, monitors and reviews school nutrition and physical activity policies and guidelines. The team may include representatives from the following groups: students, parents, teachers, school administrators, members of the school board, food service professionals, health professionals, and/or other interested community members.

The Wellness Committee provides support and guidance to staff on how to implement the Wellness Policy. Staff are encouraged to use the Wellness Committee as a resource to implement and monitor adherence to the Wellness Policy.

The Wellness Committee will present to the CCCS Board of Directors an annual report on the status of meeting the Wellness Policy goals.

Pile of Coins

Finance Committee


Finance Oversight Committee

The Finance Oversight Committee supports the development of the annual expense budget, tracks the actual spending vs. budget, watches monthly cash flow, and interprets the overall financial health of the organization on behalf of the board.  In addition the committee supports the development of the longer-term strategic plan as well as next year’s annual plan and reviews all of the financial policies of CCCS before board approval. This committee is an Advisory Committee and will bring all recommendations to the board for final approval.

Committee Duties:

1. Draft Fiscal Policies;

2. Clarify financial reports to the Board of Directors;

3. Oversee PCS budgets;

4. Review of Bank accounts/credit cards, and contracts;

5. Review school contracts and other financial obligations;

6. Oversee filing tax returns by deadlines and review with CPA and Executive Director before Board sign off;

7. Schedule a Board/Finance Work Session annually;

8. Create Investment Policies;

9. Review fiscal policies and procedures;

10. Provide new member training;

11. Update fraud prevention procedures as needed;

12. Review and revise risk management agreement expectations and related costs as needed;

13. Report to the full board as necessary.


Revised 8-5-18

Patent Preparation and Prosecution

Policy Committee


The CCCS Policy Committee collaborates with the Administration to advise and assist in developing policy. The committee meets regularly to review new and updated policies recommended by the Oregon School Board Association, charter school advisory organizations, or legal counsel for Board consideration.

The CCCS Board of Directors exercise final approval of all policies and study administrative reports on the implementation of policies and the effectiveness of policies. 

School Administrators inform the Board of the manner in which policies are being administered, and when and if they need to be revised.

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